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Canço Abstracta

Kai Landre is a 19 year old boy, who is a singer and a very great influential.
His songs are very abstract and very related to his life.
This song is accompanied by a video, which I have also taken a reference to do the work.
The song deals with the fact that when we are out of a place we do not like we are very happy. From a place that is difficult to leave and which is a space that by pressure you are there. And the best you can do is free yourself from that space to be yourself and take away your character and personality. That nobody ever stops your feet to be yourself.

Where I want to go, even though it’s not my place any more
I want to go even though it’s not my place any more
Trying to go with that space ship to the space
Trying to go with that space ship to the space

Whenever I’m not in this green planet I feel I can fly
When I go out the earth I feel so much happier with myself

I swear if you come with me, I’ll show many many things
I swear if you come with me, I’ll show you many other galaxies
Come with me and fly with your eyes to the stars, tonight, tonight
So just come with me, come with me so we can see the moon together tonight

Over and over and over and over again


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Christoph Niemann,  un  referent, una de les poques persones que  em et  transmeten molt a partir de les seves obres d'art. Aquesta imatge si veu a ell, amb una  làmpada  al davant. Que hi fa la  làmpada ? Ell quan il·lustra, necessita un munt de coneixements que jo no hi tinc, sobre la llum, el temps, i la paciència. Crec que aquesta assignatura m'ajudarà a fer servir la llum, els seus secrets, les seves formes, a crear, a somiar, i a  pogué fer tot allò  impossible  de la imatge, ha fer -ho possible. 

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